Thursday, June 25, 2009

Using the deltapack in Eclipse 3.5

Eclipse Galileo was released yesterday and I have already seen a couple of questions on the newsgroups regarding how to install the delta pack.

What's a delta pack?

For those who don't know what it is, the delta pack is a zip file provided by the Eclipse Platform and it is used for developing RCP applications for multiple platforms. The delta pack archive contains all the platform specific fragments from the Eclipse SDK. It also includes a feature "org.eclipse.equinox.executable" which contains binary launchers for all the platforms. The archive is available for download through the Eclipse Classic "Other downloads" page.

The delta pack is required if you want to do headless product builds, or to export products from the UI:

If you don't have the delta pack installed, then the option to export your product for multiple platforms will not appear in the wizard.

How to install the delta pack

Ian Bull blogged about the improved Target Platform management system as #3 in his Galileo Feature top ten list. This is the recommended method of installing the delta pack.
  1. Extract the delta pack archive into its own directory on disk.
  2. Open the Target Platform preferences (Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform).
  3. Add a new target, or edit the active target.
  4. Add the directory where you extracted the delta pack.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Patching Features (Part 2)

In my last post I showed how to create a simple feature patch. However, this patch leaves us in a state where we can no longer upgrade the platform because the patch itself requires a specific version of the feature it is patching.

Making the patch Optional

If we make the inclusion of the patch in our org.example.feature optional, then we no longer block upgrading the platform underneath us.

When a new version of the platform is available, there is a conflict between the version of the p2.user.ui feature required by the patch and the one required by the new platform. By making the patch optional, p2 will not install the patch if there is a conflict.

This is fine if the new version of the platform includes the fix we want. But what if it doesn't? What if we need to have our patch apply to several different versions of the platform?

Relaxing version ranges

Unfortunately, currently the only way to do the following is to edit the metadata by hand. (Paul Webster uses XSLT transforms, I have also raised a bug to allow changing things using the p2.inf file.)

Looking at the metadata for the patch, we see a few interesting sections:

The Patch Scope

The scope section of the patch's metadata specifies which feature(s) the patch applies to:

<requires size='1'>
<required namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu'

Here we see the patch applies to a specific version of the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui feature. By relaxing the version range here we can make the patch apply to other versions of the platform. For example, say we knew our bug was fixed on June 11, but there were several version between June 5th and the 10th that still contained the bug. We could instead use a version range like [1.1.0.v20090605-1440,1.1.0.v20090611) (the upper end of the range is open, it includes everything up to but not including v20090611).

Note that the patch Installable Unit also has normal requirements on the feature it is patching. When widening the scope range, the regular requirements should also be widened to match.

Change From / Change To

The 'changes' section of the patch's metadata specifies which plug-in we are patching, and the version to change it to.
<required namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu'
<required namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu'

In the above example, we are changing the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclipse bundle from any version ("0.0.0") to version 1.0.101.v20090611.
We could imagine changing these ranges in the following ways:
  • Change the "scope" range to "0.0.0" to match any version of the p2.user.ui feature, and then change the "change from" range to [1.0.101, 1.0.101.v20090611). This would result in patching any version of the p2.user.ui feature that includes any 1.0.101 versioned bundle up to v20090611 (which is the version with the proper fix).
  • Change the "change to" range to something like [1.0.101.v20090611, 1.0.102). We know v20090611 contains the fix we want, but the in the future there will be more bug fixes before the maintenance stream is released. By widening the range here, we allow future bug fixes to also be included in our patch.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Patching features with p2

The Galileo release of Eclipse is in its final days. The eclipse SDK itself is effectively done and the current build is under consideration to be the final release.

Imagine This...

Say I have a feature that I build, it runs on top of the Eclipse Platform. I know Eclipse Galileo is coming out soon, so I download it and try it out with my feature.

Oh No! It doesn't work! I've found a bug in the platform, and its a major blocker for me. (Oops, maybe I should have tried this a couple of months ago when there still would have been time to fix the bug.)

Meta-Comment: The Eclipse Platform Project has a reputation for shipping on time (even if that means there are unresolved bugs). There is a strict end game plan that is followed for the release, lock down started back at the beginning of May. The further we are along in the plan, the harder it is to get a fix approved for release. A lot of people don't seem to relealize this happens, and perhaps wonder why their important bugs are defered with the comment "Its too late".

Ok, I need to patch the platform. How do I do this?

The Example Feature

To work through the steps of patching the platform, I created my own example feature:

  1. Create a New Plug-in Project "org.example.plugin". The plug-in is not a "Rich client Application". On the templates page of the wizard I chose "Plug-in with a view".
  2. Create a New Feature "org.example.feature". Add org.example.plugin to the feature.
  3. Export the feature, and on the Options tab in the export wizard check "Generate metadata repository".
For the purposes of the example, I'm starting from the Eclipse Platform Runtime 3.5RC4. Because I want to strictly control the upgrade path in the example, I removed the Galileo and Eclipse Project repositories from the available sites (Window -> Preferences -> Install/Update->Available Software Sites).

Unzip the platform, and installed the feature from the exported repository. I didn't create any categories for the feature, so "Group items by category" must be unchecked.

The Patch

For the example, I am inspired by bug 279542 which came in very late and almost was not fixed in 3.5. The bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclips has the bug and this plugin is included by the feature org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui.

Say we have a fix with touchpoint.eclipse version 1.0.101.v20090611. (When following the eclipse versioning guidelines, the maintenance version of this bundle should be 1.0.101 and the version for the next year's release will probably be 1.0.200).

We can easily create a new Feature Patch with the wizard:
We specify the version of p2.user.ui that we are patching (here the one shipped in 3.5RC4). In the feature patch, include org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclipse with the specific version containing the fix. Then, add the feature patch as an inclusion in our org.example.feature:

<feature id="org.example.feature" label="Feature" version="1.0.0.qualifier">
<includes id="org.example.patch" version="0.0.0" />
<plugin id="org.example.plugin" version="0.0.0" unpack="false"/>

<feature id="org.example.patch" label="Patch" version="1.0.0">
<import feature="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui" version="1.1.0.v20090605-1440-7u6Fb3FbPbJP5MiKiZgpdl" patch="true"/>
<plugin id="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclipse" version="1.0.101.v20090611" unpack="false"/>

If we have the bundle containing the fix in our target platform, we can now export a new version of our example feature that includes it. And we can update the platform where our feature is installed to get the new version that brings the patch with it.

The metadata for the Patch installable unit looks like this:

<unit id='' version='1.0.0' singleton='false'>
<requires size='1'>
<required namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu' name='' range='[1.1.0.v20090605-1440-7u6Fb3FbPbJP5MiKiZgpdl,1.1.0.v20090605-1440-7u6Fb3FbPbJP5MiKiZgpdl]'/>
<required namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu' name='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclipse' range='0.0.0'/>
<required namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu' name='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclipse' range='[1.0.101.v20090611,1.0.101.v20090611]'/>
<requires size='2'>
<required namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu' name='' range='[1.1.0.v20090605-1440-7u6Fb3FbPbJP5MiKiZgpdl,1.1.0.v20090605-1440-7u6Fb3FbPbJP5MiKiZgpdl]' greedy='false'/>

This says, in version 1.1.0.v20090605-1440-7u6Fb3FbPbJP5MiKiZgpdl, change whatever version of org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclipse is there to version 1.0.101.v20090611.

It works! Except...

It works, except that we notice that the patch IU has hard requirements on the version of the p2.user.ui feature. This would prevent upgrading the underlying platform because the feature patch has locked down the version of the p2.user.ui feature.

p2 is much more flexible about patches than the old Update manager was, so there are a few different ways to address this, and I will write another post covering this soon.

(Right now its Friday after 5pm, and time to go home for the weekend :) )